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Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. Mr. Ogilby's Pocket book of roads :
Ogilby, John, 1600–1676
Mr. Ogilby's Pocket book of roads
Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642, author. Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo, matematico sopraordinario dello studio di Pisa :
Galilei, Galileo, 1564–1642
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo, matematico sopraordinario dello studio di Pisa
Sandford, Francis, 1630-1694. A genealogical history of the kings of England and monarchs of Great Britain, &C.
Sandford, Francis, 1630–1694
A genealogical history of the kings of England and monarchs of Great Britain, &C
Félibien, André, sieur des Avaux et de Javercy, 1619-1695. Des principes de l'architecture, de la sculpture, de la peinture, et des autres arts qui en dependent :
Félibien, André, sieur des Avaux et de Javercy, 1619–1695
Des principes de l'architecture, de la sculpture, de la peinture, et des autres arts qui en dependent
Fréart, Roland, sieur de Chambray, 1606-1676, author. A parallel of the antient architecture with the modern :
Fréart, Roland, sieur de Chambray, 1606–1676
A parallel of the antient architecture with the modern
MDCLXIV [1664]
Loggan, David, 1635-1700?, illustrator, engraver. Oxonia illustrata, sive, Omnium celeberrimae istius universitatis collegiorum, aularum, Bibliothecae Bodleianae, scholarum publicarum, Theatri Sheldoniani :
Loggan, David, 1635–1700?
Oxonia illustrata, sive, Omnium celeberrimae istius universitatis collegiorum, aularum, Bibliothecae Bodleianae, scholarum publicarum, Theatri Sheldoniani
ano. Dni. MDCLXXV [1675]
Sturmy, Samuel, 1633-1669.  The mariner's magazine, or, Sturmy's mathematical and practical arts :
Sturmy, Samuel, 1633–1669
The mariner's magazine, or, Sturmy's mathematical and practical arts
Francquart, Jacques, 1577-1651, ill. Pompa funebris optimi potentissimiq[ue] principis Alberti Pii, Archiducis Austriae, ducis Burg. Bra. &c. /
Francquart, Jacques, 1577–1651
Pompa funebris optimi potentissimiq[ue] principis Alberti Pii, Archiducis Austriae, ducis Burg. Bra. &c.
Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, d. 1625. Nouus Orbis, sive, Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis /
Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, d. 1625
Nouus Orbis, sive, Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis
Greaves, John, 1602-1652. Pyramidographia, or, A description of the pyramids in Ægypt /
Greaves, John, 1602–1652
Pyramidographia, or, A description of the pyramids in Ægypt
 A book of drawing, limning, washing or colouring of maps and prints,
A book of drawing, limning, washing or colouring of maps and prints,
Browne, Alexander, active 1660-1677. Ars pictoria, or, An academy treating of drawing, limning, painting, etching :
Browne, Alexander, active 1660–1677
Ars pictoria, or, An academy treating of drawing, limning, painting, etching
Pricke, Robert, engraver. The architects store-house :
Pricke, Robert
The architects store-house
Le Brun, Charles, 1619-1690. The characters of the passions /
Le Brun, Charles, Sir, 1619–1690
The characters of the passions
Manesson-Mallet, Allain, 1630?-1706? Les Travaux de Mars, ou, L'Art de la guerre :
Manesson-Mallet, Allain, 1630?-1706?
Les Travaux de Mars, ou, L'Art de la guerre
Seller, John, active 1658-1698. A new system of geography :
Seller, John, active 1658–1698
A new system of geography
 Aesop's Fables :
Aesop's Fables
Moxon, Joseph, 1627-1691. Practical perspective, or, Perspective made easie :
Moxon, Joseph, 1627–1691
Practical perspective, or, Perspective made easie
1670. (fol.)
Furttenbach, Joseph, 1591-1667. Architectura navalis, das ist, Von dem Schiffgebäw, auf dem Meer vnd Seekusten zugebrauchen :
Furttenbach, Joseph, 1591–1667
Architectura navalis, das ist, Von dem Schiffgebäw, auf dem Meer vnd Seekusten zugebrauchen
anno MDCXXIX [1629]
King, Daniel, -1664?, author, engraver. The vale-royall of England, or, The county palatine of Chester illustrated :
King, Daniel, -1664?
The vale-royall of England, or, The county palatine of Chester illustrated
Vignola, 1507-1573. Vignola, or the compleat architect :
Vignola, 1507–1573
Vignola, or the compleat architect
Simons, Matthew, d. 1654. A direction for the English traviller :
Simons, Matthew, d. 1654
A direction for the English traviller
 A book of the habits, customes, and manners of diverse nations :
A book of the habits, customes, and manners of diverse nations
La Serre, M. de (Jean-Puget), ca. 1600-1665. Histoire de l'entree de la reyne mere dv roy tres-chrestien, dans la Grande-Bretaigne :
La Serre, M. de (Jean-Puget), ca. 1600–1665
Histoire de l'entree de la reyne mere dv roy tres-chrestien, dans la Grande-Bretaigne
Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626. Hakluytus posthumus or Purchas his Pilgrimes. :
Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626
Hakluytus posthumus or Purchas his Pilgrimes.
Peacham, Henry, 1576?-1643? The compleat gentleman :
Peacham, Henry, 1576?-1643?
The compleat gentleman
 [India Orientalis].
[India Orientalis]
Ovalle, Alonso de, 1601-1651. Historica relación del reyno de Chile :
Ovalle, Alonso de, 1601–1651
Historica relación del reyno de Chile
Bosse, Abraham, 1602-1676, author, illustrator, publisher. Des ordres de colõnes en l'architecture, et plusieurs aũes dependances dicelle /
Bosse, Abraham, 1602–1676
Des ordres de colõnes en l'architecture, et plusieurs aũes dependances dicelle
Burton, William, 1575-1645. The description of Leicester Shire :
Burton, William, 1575–1645
The description of Leicester Shire
Morland, Samuel, Sir, 1625-1695. Tuba stentoro-phonica :
Morland, Samuel, Sir, 1625–1695
Tuba stentoro-phonica
Bochius, Joannes, 1555-1609, author. Historica narratio profectionis et inaugurationis serenissimorum Belgii principum Alberti et Isabellae, Austriae archiducum :
Bochius, Joannes, 1555–1609
Historica narratio profectionis et inaugurationis serenissimorum Belgii principum Alberti et Isabellae, Austriae archiducum
MDCII [1602]
Goeree, Willem, 1635-1711. An introduction to the general art of drawing,
Goeree, Willem, 1635–1711
An introduction to the general art of drawing,
Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. Markhams maister-peece :
Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637
Markhams maister-peece
Zeiller, Martin, 1589-1661. M.Z. Topographia Bohemiæ, Moraviæ et Silesiæ :
Zeiller, Martin, 1589–1661
M.Z. Topographia Bohemiæ, Moraviæ et Silesiæ
Webb, John, 1611-1672. A vindication of Stone-Heng restored :
Webb, John, 1611–1672
A vindication of Stone-Heng restored
MDCLXV [l665]
Hollar, Wenceslaus, 1607-1677. The kingdome of England & principality of Wales :
Hollar, Wenceslaus, 1607–1677
The kingdome of England & principality of Wales
Bosse, Abraham, 1602-1676, author, illustrator, publisher. Traité des manieres de dessiner les ordres de l'architecture antique en toutes leurs parties :
Bosse, Abraham, 1602–1676
Traité des manieres de dessiner les ordres de l'architecture antique en toutes leurs parties
MVICLXIIII [1664, i.e. 1665]
Lorini, Buonaiuto, fl. 1600. Le fortificationi di Buonaiuto Lorini, nobile fiorentino :
Lorini, Buonaiuto, fl. 1600
Le fortificationi di Buonaiuto Lorini, nobile fiorentino
MDCIX [1609]
 Antiquarum statuarum urbis Romae :
Antiquarum statuarum urbis Romae
Boissard, Jean Jacques, 1528-1602. Topographia urbis Romæ, das ist eigentliche, Beschreibung der Stadt Rom :
Boissard, Jean Jacques, 1528–1602
Topographia urbis Romæ, das ist eigentliche, Beschreibung der Stadt Rom
Im Jahr M. DC. LXXXI [1681]
Dubreuil, Jean, 1602-1670. Perspective practical, or, A plain and easie method of true and lively representing all things to the eye at a distance, by the exact rules of art ... /
Dubreuil, Jean, 1602–1670
Perspective practical, or, A plain and easie method of true and lively representing all things to the eye at a distance, by the exact rules of art ...
P. L. The English academy :
P. L
The English academy
Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. London survey'd, or, An explanation of the large map of London :
Ogilby, John, 1600–1676
London survey'd, or, An explanation of the large map of London
 A new-naturalized work of a learned stranger, or, An exquisite tutor powerfull to benefit the publick :
A new-naturalized work of a learned stranger, or, An exquisite tutor powerfull to benefit the publick
Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598. Wunderbarliche, doch warhaftige Erklärung, von der Gelegenheit und Sitten der Wilden in Virginia ...
Bry, Theodor de, 1528–1598
Wunderbarliche, doch warhaftige Erklärung, von der Gelegenheit und Sitten der Wilden in Virginia ..
Zeiller, Martin, 1589-1661. Topographia Italiæ :
Zeiller, Martin, 1589–1661
Topographia Italiæ
Zeiller, Martin, 1589-1661, author. M. Z. Topographia Electorat Brandenburgici et Ducatus Pomeraniae, das ist, Beschreibung der vornembsten und bekantisten Stätte und Plätz in dem hochlöblichsten Churfürstenthum und March Brandenburg, und dem Hertzogtum Pommeren :
Zeiller, Martin, 1589–1661
M. Z. Topographia Electorat Brandenburgici et Ducatus Pomeraniae, das ist, Beschreibung der vornembsten und bekantisten Stätte und Plätz in dem hochlöblichsten Churfürstenthum und March Brandenburg, und dem Hertzogtum Pommeren
Brown, John, philomath. The description and use of the carpenters-rule :
Brown, John, philomath
The description and use of the carpenters-rule
 The Bible :
The Bible
Winter, Georg Simon, b. ca. 1634. Georgii Simonis Winteri, Bellerophon, sive Eques peritus :
Winter, Georg Simon, b. ca. 1634
Georgii Simonis Winteri, Bellerophon, sive Eques peritus
Anno MDCLXXVIII [1678]
Raimondi, Eugenio, 17th cent. Delle caccie /
Raimondi, Eugenio, 17th cent
Delle caccie
MDCLXXV [1675]
Pluvinel, Antoine de, 1555-1620. Maneige royal :
Pluvinel, Antoine de, 1555–1620
Maneige royal
Zeiller, Martin, 1589-1661. Topographia Franconiæ :
Zeiller, Martin, 1589–1661
Topographia Franconiæ
 A geographical dictionary :
A geographical dictionary
Pluvinel, Antoine de, 1555-1620. Maneige royal ou lon peut remarquer le defaut et la perfection du cheualier, en tous les exercices de cet art, digne des princes, fait & pratiqué en l'instruction du roy par Antoine Pluuinel son escuyer principal, conseiller en son conseil d'estat, son chambellan ordinaire, & sous-gouuerneur de sa Majesté. Le tout graué & representé en grandes figures de taille douce par Crispian de Pas, Flamand, à l'honneur du roy, & à la memoire de Monsieur de Pluvinel. Imprimé pour la secunde foijs & mis en alleman a la ville de Brunsvic Au despens de Gotfried Muller =
Pluvinel, Antoine de, 1555–1620
Maneige royal ou lon peut remarquer le defaut et la perfection du cheualier, en tous les exercices de cet art, digne des princes, fait & pratiqué en l'instruction du roy par Antoine Pluuinel son escuyer principal, conseiller en son conseil d'estat, son chambellan ordinaire, & sous-gouuerneur de sa Majesté. Le tout graué & representé en grandes figures de taille douce par Crispian de Pas, Flamand, à l'honneur du roy, & à la memoire de Monsieur de Pluvinel. Imprimé pour la secunde foijs & mis en alleman a la ville de Brunsvic Au despens de Gotfried Muller =
Anno 1626
Audran, Gérard, 1640-1703. Diuerses figures hierogliphiques /
Audran, Gérard, 1640–1703
Diuerses figures hierogliphiques
Piso, Willem, 1611-1678. Gulielmi Pisonis medici Amstelædamensis De Indiæ utriusque re naturali et medica libri quatuordecim, quorum contenta pagina sequens exhibet.
Piso, Willem, 1611–1678
Gulielmi Pisonis medici Amstelædamensis De Indiæ utriusque re naturali et medica libri quatuordecim, quorum contenta pagina sequens exhibet
Francine, Alexandre, -1648, author, illustrator. A nevv book of architecture :
Francine, Alexandre, -1648
A nevv book of architecture
Scamozzi, Vincenzo, 1552-1616. The mirror of architecture, or, The ground-rules of the art of building /
Scamozzi, Vincenzo, 1552–1616
The mirror of architecture, or, The ground-rules of the art of building
 A booke of drawinges :
A booke of drawinges
Sandrart, Joachim von, 1606-1688, author, illustrator.  L'academia Todesca della architectura, scultura & pittura, oder, Teutsche Academie der edlen Bau- Bild- und Mahlerey-Künste :
Sandrart, Joachim von, 1606–1688
L'academia Todesca della architectura, scultura & pittura, oder, Teutsche Academie der edlen Bau- Bild- und Mahlerey-Künste
Anno Christi MDCLXXV [1675]
Pluvinel, Antoine de, 1555-1620. L'instruction du roy en l'exercice de monter à cheual. /
Pluvinel, Antoine de, 1555–1620
L'instruction du roy en l'exercice de monter à cheual.
M.DC.XXVII. [1627]
Worlidge, John, fl. 1669-1698. Systema agriculturae, the mystery of husbandry discovered :
Worlidge, John, fl. 1669–1698
Systema agriculturae, the mystery of husbandry discovered
 Baziliōlogia :
Halfpenny, John, active 1671. The Gentleman's jocky and approved farrier :
Halfpenny, John, active 1671
The Gentleman's jocky and approved farrier
 Italy, in its original glory, ruine and revival :
Italy, in its original glory, ruine and revival
Laet, Joannes de, 1581-1649. Nieuvve wereldt ofte Beschrijvinghe van West-Indien :
Laet, Joannes de, 1581–1649
Nieuvve wereldt ofte Beschrijvinghe van West-Indien
Baldaeus, Philippus, 1632-1672. Naauwkeurige beschryvinge van Malabar en Choromandel, der zelver aangrenzende ryken, en het machtige eyland Ceylon ... Nevens een omstandige en grondigh doorzochte ontdekking en wederlegginge van de afgoderye der Oost-Indische heydenen :
Baldaeus, Philippus, 1632–1672
Naauwkeurige beschryvinge van Malabar en Choromandel, der zelver aangrenzende ryken, en het machtige eyland Ceylon ... Nevens een omstandige en grondigh doorzochte ontdekking en wederlegginge van de afgoderye der Oost-Indische heydenen
Dugdale, William, 1605-1686. The history of St. Pauls Cathedral in London, from its foundation untill these times :
Dugdale, William, 1605–1686
The history of St. Pauls Cathedral in London, from its foundation untill these times
Hermannides, Rutgerus, d. 1680. Rutgeri Hermannidæ Britannia magna, sive Angliæ, Scottiæ, Hiberniæ & adjacentium insularum :
Hermannides, Rutgerus, d. 1680
Rutgeri Hermannidæ Britannia magna, sive Angliæ, Scottiæ, Hiberniæ & adjacentium insularum
Glover, Robert, 1544-1588. Nobilitas politica vel civilis :
Glover, Robert, 1544–1588
Nobilitas politica vel civilis
Casas, Bartolomé de las, 1484-1566. An account of the first voyages and discoveries made by the Spaniards in America :
Casas, Bartolomé de las, 1484–1566
An account of the first voyages and discoveries made by the Spaniards in America
MDCXCIX [1699]
Charles IX, King of France, 1550-1574. La chasse royale /
Charles IX, King of France, 1550–1574
La chasse royale
M.DC.XXV [1625]
Zeiller, Martin, 1589-1661, author. Topographia Galliae, sive, Descriptio et delineatio famosissimorum locorum in potentissimo regno Galliae :
Zeiller, Martin, 1589–1661
Topographia Galliae, sive, Descriptio et delineatio famosissimorum locorum in potentissimo regno Galliae
Perrier, François, 1590?-1656? Illmo. D.D. Rogerio Dv Plesseis ...
Perrier, François, 1590?-1656?
Illmo. D.D. Rogerio Dv Plesseis ..
Zeiller, Martin, 1589-1661. Topographia Palatinatus Rheni et vicinarum regionum :
Zeiller, Martin, 1589–1661
Topographia Palatinatus Rheni et vicinarum regionum
Duval, P. (Pierre), 1619-1682. Les tables de geographie, reduites en un jeu de cartes /
Duval, P. (Pierre), 1619–1682
Les tables de geographie, reduites en un jeu de cartes
[ca. 1680?]
Mandey, Venterus. Mellificium mensionis, or, The marrow of measuring :
Mandey, Venterus
Mellificium mensionis, or, The marrow of measuring
Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, d. 1625. Description des Indes Occidentales, qu'on appelle aujourdhuy le Nouveau Monde /
Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, d. 1625
Description des Indes Occidentales, qu'on appelle aujourdhuy le Nouveau Monde
Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. Markham's master-piece revived :
Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637
Markham's master-piece revived
Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. The history of the reformation of the Church of England :
Burnet, Gilbert, 1643–1715
The history of the reformation of the Church of England
Cox, Nicholas, active 1673-1721, author, publisher. The gentleman's recreation :
Cox, Nicholas, active 1673–1721
The gentleman's recreation
 You lovely virgins that intend to marry :
You lovely virgins that intend to marry
[between 1671 and 1707]
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Resuscitatio, or, Bringing into publick light severall pieces of the works civil, historical, philosophical, and theological, hitherto sleeping of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon,
Bacon, Francis, 1561–1626
Resuscitatio, or, Bringing into publick light severall pieces of the works civil, historical, philosophical, and theological, hitherto sleeping of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon,
Zeiller, Martin, 1589-1661, author. Topographia Bavariæ, das ist, Beschreib. vnd aigentliche Abbildung der vornembsten Stätt vnd Orth in Ober vnd Nieder Beÿern, der obern Pfaltz, vnd andern, zum hochlöblichen Baÿrischen Craisse gehörigen Landschaften.
Zeiller, Martin, 1589–1661
Topographia Bavariæ, das ist, Beschreib. vnd aigentliche Abbildung der vornembsten Stätt vnd Orth in Ober vnd Nieder Beÿern, der obern Pfaltz, vnd andern, zum hochlöblichen Baÿrischen Craisse gehörigen Landschaften
MDCXLIV [1644]
 Veues et perspectives de Soesdyck, chasteau [sic] & maison de plaisance du roy de la Grande Bretagne :
Veues et perspectives de Soesdyck, chasteau [sic] & maison de plaisance du roy de la Grande Bretagne
Gruber, Johann Sebastian. Neue und gründliche mathematische Friedens- und Kriegs-Schule :
Gruber, Johann Sebastian
Neue und gründliche mathematische Friedens- und Kriegs-Schule
An. 1697
Sandrart, Joachim von, 1606-1688, author, illustrator. Iconologia deorum, oder, Abbildung der Götter :
Sandrart, Joachim von, 1606–1688
Iconologia deorum, oder, Abbildung der Götter
anno MDCLXXX [1680]
Gordon, Patrick, active 1700. Geography anatomized, or, A compleat geographical grammar :
Gordon, Patrick, active 1700
Geography anatomized, or, A compleat geographical grammar
Winter, Georg Simon, b. ca. 1634. Georgii Simonis Winteri, Hippiater expertus, seu Medicina equorum absolutissima, tribus libris comprehensa :
Winter, Georg Simon, b. ca. 1634
Georgii Simonis Winteri, Hippiater expertus, seu Medicina equorum absolutissima, tribus libris comprehensa
Anno MDCLXXVIII [1678]
Blome, Richard, 1635-1705, author. Britania, or, A geographical description of the kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the isles and territories thereto belonging :
Blome, Richard, 1635–1705
Britania, or, A geographical description of the kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the isles and territories thereto belonging
Loggan, David, 1635-1700?, author, engraver. Cantabrigia illustrata, sive, Omnium celeberrimae istius universitatis, collegiorum, aularum, bibliothecae academicae scholarum publicarum, sacelli coll. regalis :
Loggan, David, 1635–1700?
Cantabrigia illustrata, sive, Omnium celeberrimae istius universitatis, collegiorum, aularum, bibliothecae academicae scholarum publicarum, sacelli coll. regalis
Wotton, Henry, Sir, 1568-1639. Reliquiae Wottonianae, or, A collection of lives, letters, poems, with characters of sundry personages :
Wotton, Henry, Sir, 1568–1639
Reliquiae Wottonianae, or, A collection of lives, letters, poems, with characters of sundry personages
Zeiller, Martin, 1589-1661. Topographia Sueviae, das ist, Beschreib. vnd aigentliche Abcontrafeitung der fürnembste[n] Stätt vnd Plätz in Ober vnd Nider Schwaben, Herzogthum Würtenberg, Marggraffschafft Baden vnd andern zu dem hochlöbl. schwabischen Craisse gehörigen Landtschafften vnd Orten.
Zeiller, Martin, 1589–1661
Topographia Sueviae, das ist, Beschreib. vnd aigentliche Abcontrafeitung der fürnembste[n] Stätt vnd Plätz in Ober vnd Nider Schwaben, Herzogthum Würtenberg, Marggraffschafft Baden vnd andern zu dem hochlöbl. schwabischen Craisse gehörigen Landtschafften vnd Orten
MDCXLIII [1643] [i.e. ca. 1655]
Bonasone, Giulio, approximately 1498-approximately 1580. Amori sdegni et gielosie di Givnone /
Bonasone, Giulio, approximately 1498–approximately 1580
Amori sdegni et gielosie di Givnone
Newcastle, William Cavendish, Duke of, 1592-1676. Methode et invention nouvelle de dresser les chevaux /
Newcastle, William Cavendish, Duke of, 1592–1676
Methode et invention nouvelle de dresser les chevaux
l'an M.DC.LVIII [1658]
Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D. Pub. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseōn libri XV :
Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D
Pub. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseōn libri XV
Blome, Richard, 1635-1705. The present state of His Majesties isles and territories in America :
Blome, Richard, 1635–1705
The present state of His Majesties isles and territories in America
Cotton, Charles, 1630-1687. The compleat gamester: or, Instructions how to play at billiards, trucks, bowls, and chess :
Cotton, Charles, 1630–1687
The compleat gamester: or, Instructions how to play at billiards, trucks, bowls, and chess