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Misson, Maximilien, 1650?-1722. A new voyage to Italy :
Misson, Maximilien, 1650?-1722
A new voyage to Italy
Le Muet, Pierre, 1591-1669. The art of fair building:
Le Muet, Pierre, 1591–1669
The art of fair building
Gerbier, Balthazar, Sir, 1592?-1667. A brief discourse concerning the three chief principles of magnificent building.
Gerbier, Balthazar, Sir, 1592?-1667
A brief discourse concerning the three chief principles of magnificent building
Scott, Robert, fl. 1661-1691. Catalogus librorum Roberti Scott :
Scott, Robert, fl. 1661–1691
Catalogus librorum Roberti Scott
[etc., 1687/8]
 The principal nauigations, voyages, traffiques and discoueries of the English nation :
The principal nauigations, voyages, traffiques and discoueries of the English nation
anno 1599-1600
Monier, Pierre, 1639-1703. The history of painting, sculpture, architecture, graving:
Monier, Pierre, 1639–1703
The history of painting, sculpture, architecture, graving
Perrier, François, 1590?-1656? Illmo. D.D. Rogerio Dv Plesseis ...
Perrier, François, 1590?-1656?
Illmo. D.D. Rogerio Dv Plesseis ..
Head, Richard, 1637?-1686? The canting academy, or, The devil's cabinet opened :
Head, Richard, 1637?-1686?
The canting academy, or, The devil's cabinet opened
Zeiller, Martin, 1589-1661. Topographia Palatinatus Rheni et vicinarum regionum :
Zeiller, Martin, 1589–1661
Topographia Palatinatus Rheni et vicinarum regionum
Storff, Paul Auguste de. Plan of fortification, possibly at Newtown, Isle of Wight.
Storff, Paul Auguste de
Plan of fortification, possibly at Newtown, Isle of Wight
December, 1671
Mieth, Michael, -1686, author. Artilleriae recentior praxis, oder, Neuere Geschütz Beschreibung :
Mieth, Michael, -1686
Artilleriae recentior praxis, oder, Neuere Geschütz Beschreibung
Wyngaerde, Anton van den, d. 1571. Van den Wyngaerde's View of London (circa 1550)
Wyngaerde, Anton van den, d. 1571
Van den Wyngaerde's View of London (circa 1550)
Duval, P. (Pierre), 1619-1682. Les tables de geographie, reduites en un jeu de cartes /
Duval, P. (Pierre), 1619–1682
Les tables de geographie, reduites en un jeu de cartes
[ca. 1680?]
Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664. Illustriorum principumque urbium septentrionalium Europae tabulae.
Jansson, Jan, 1588–1664
Illustriorum principumque urbium septentrionalium Europae tabulae
Mandey, Venterus. Mellificium mensionis, or, The marrow of measuring :
Mandey, Venterus
Mellificium mensionis, or, The marrow of measuring
Allard, Carel, 1648-approximately 1709. Orbis habitabilis oppida et vestitus :
Allard, Carel, 1648–approximately 1709
Orbis habitabilis oppida et vestitus
[not after 1698?]
Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, d. 1625. Description des Indes Occidentales, qu'on appelle aujourdhuy le Nouveau Monde /
Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, d. 1625
Description des Indes Occidentales, qu'on appelle aujourdhuy le Nouveau Monde
Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. Markham's master-piece revived :
Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637
Markham's master-piece revived
 The excellency of the pen and pencil,
The excellency of the pen and pencil,
Delaume, Thomas, d. 1685. Angliæ metropolis, or, The present state of London :
Delaume, Thomas, d. 1685
Angliæ metropolis, or, The present state of London
Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. The history of the reformation of the Church of England :
Burnet, Gilbert, 1643–1715
The history of the reformation of the Church of England
Turberville, George, 1540?-1610? author. The booke of falconrie or havvking :
Turberville, George, 1540?-1610?
The booke of falconrie or havvking
An. Dom. 1611
Cox, Nicholas, active 1673-1721, author, publisher. The gentleman's recreation :
Cox, Nicholas, active 1673–1721
The gentleman's recreation
Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. Markhams Remembrancer of unpublished secretes :
Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637
Markhams Remembrancer of unpublished secretes
circa 1655
Busca, Gabriello, fl. 1580. Della Espugnatione et difesa delle fortezze.
Busca, Gabriello, fl. 1580
Della Espugnatione et difesa delle fortezze
Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, cartographer, publisher. This new map of [the] Earth and water according to Wrights alias Mercator's projection, drawn according to [the] more exact celestial observations and the more accurate discoveries of an a approued author, Robt. Morden, is sold at [the] Atlas in Cornhill, London, 1699 ; H. Moll sculpsit.
Morden, Robert, approximately 1650–1703
This new map of [the] Earth and water according to Wrights alias Mercator's projection, drawn according to [the] more exact celestial observations and the more accurate discoveries of an a approued author, Robt. Morden, is sold at [the] Atlas in Cornhill, London, 1699 ; H. Moll sculpsit
Speed, John, 1552?-1629, cartographer. The theatre of the empire of Great-Britain :
Speed, John, 1552?-1629
The theatre of the empire of Great-Britain
Speed, John, 1552?-1629, cartographer. Theatrum Imperij Magnae Britanniae :
Speed, John, 1552?-1629
Theatrum Imperij Magnae Britanniae
anno cum privilegio 1616
Mercator, Michael, d. 1600. America, siue, India Nova :
Mercator, Michael, d. 1600
America, siue, India Nova
between 1613 and 1630]
Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703. Geography rectified:
Morden, Robert, approximately 1650–1703
Geography rectified
Hooghe, Romeyn de, 1645-1708, engraver. Cartes marines a l'usage des armées du roy de la Grand Bretagne :
Hooghe, Romeyn de, 1645–1708
Cartes marines a l'usage des armées du roy de la Grand Bretagne
Phillips, Thomas, -1693.  Nautical chart of the east coast of Guernsey.
Phillips, Thomas, -1693
Nautical chart of the east coast of Guernsey
ca. 1680
 You lovely virgins that intend to marry :
You lovely virgins that intend to marry
[between 1671 and 1707]
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Resuscitatio, or, Bringing into publick light severall pieces of the works civil, historical, philosophical, and theological, hitherto sleeping of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon,
Bacon, Francis, 1561–1626
Resuscitatio, or, Bringing into publick light severall pieces of the works civil, historical, philosophical, and theological, hitherto sleeping of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon,
Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, cartographer. Atlas, or, A geographicke description of the regions, countries and kingdomes of the world, through Europe, Asia, Africa, & America, represented by new and exact maps /
Mercator, Gerhard, 1512–1594
Atlas, or, A geographicke description of the regions, countries and kingdomes of the world, through Europe, Asia, Africa, & America, represented by new and exact maps
anno 1636[-1638]
Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. The pleasures of princes, or, Good mens recreations :
Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637
The pleasures of princes, or, Good mens recreations
Piles, Roger de, 1635-1709. Dissertation sur les ouvrages des plus fameux peintres ...
Piles, Roger de, 1635–1709
Dissertation sur les ouvrages des plus fameux peintres ..
 This booke was giuen by legacie from Thomas Braythwait of Ambleside gent. who died in the yeare of our Lord 1607, vnto George Preston of Houlker gent.
This booke was giuen by legacie from Thomas Braythwait of Ambleside gent. who died in the yeare of our Lord 1607, vnto George Preston of Houlker gent
Malory, Thomas, Sir, active 15th century. The noble & joyous boke entytled Le Morte Darthur :
Malory, Thomas, Sir, active 15th century
The noble & joyous boke entytled Le Morte Darthur
Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703, cartographer. England
Morden, Robert, approximately 1650–1703
Gunton, Simon, 1609-1676. The history of the Church of Peterburgh :
Gunton, Simon, 1609–1676
The history of the Church of Peterburgh
Fontana, Domenico, 1543-1607, author. Della trasportatione dell'obelisco vaticano et delle fabriche di nostro signore papa Sisto V /
Fontana, Domenico, 1543–1607
Della trasportatione dell'obelisco vaticano et delle fabriche di nostro signore papa Sisto V
MDXC [1590, that is 1604]
Zeiller, Martin, 1589-1661, author. Topographia Bavariæ, das ist, Beschreib. vnd aigentliche Abbildung der vornembsten Stätt vnd Orth in Ober vnd Nieder Beÿern, der obern Pfaltz, vnd andern, zum hochlöblichen Baÿrischen Craisse gehörigen Landschaften.
Zeiller, Martin, 1589–1661
Topographia Bavariæ, das ist, Beschreib. vnd aigentliche Abbildung der vornembsten Stätt vnd Orth in Ober vnd Nieder Beÿern, der obern Pfaltz, vnd andern, zum hochlöblichen Baÿrischen Craisse gehörigen Landschaften
MDCXLIV [1644]
G. M. (Geffray Minshull), 1594?-1668. Essayes and characters of a prison and prisoners /
G. M. (Geffray Minshull), 1594?-1668
Essayes and characters of a prison and prisoners
 Veues et perspectives de Soesdyck, chasteau [sic] & maison de plaisance du roy de la Grande Bretagne :
Veues et perspectives de Soesdyck, chasteau [sic] & maison de plaisance du roy de la Grande Bretagne
Matal, Jean, 1520-1597, author. Africa ad artis geographicae regulas tabulis aeri incisis descripta /
Matal, Jean, 1520–1597
Africa ad artis geographicae regulas tabulis aeri incisis descripta
anno MDC [1600]
Gruber, Johann Sebastian. Neue und gründliche mathematische Friedens- und Kriegs-Schule :
Gruber, Johann Sebastian
Neue und gründliche mathematische Friedens- und Kriegs-Schule
An. 1697
Hennepin, Louis, active 17th century, author. A new discovery of a vast country in America :
Hennepin, Louis, active 17th century
A new discovery of a vast country in America
Keere, Pieter van den, 1571-approximately 1646, engraver. [Atlas of the British Isles]
Keere, Pieter van den, 1571–approximately 1646
[Atlas of the British Isles]
[Amsterdam?] :
Hugo, Herman, 1588-1629. Pia desideria emblematis, elegiis & affectibus ss. patrvm illustrata /
Hugo, Herman, 1588–1629
Pia desideria emblematis, elegiis & affectibus ss. patrvm illustrata
Sandrart, Joachim von, 1606-1688, author, illustrator. Iconologia deorum, oder, Abbildung der Götter :
Sandrart, Joachim von, 1606–1688
Iconologia deorum, oder, Abbildung der Götter
anno MDCLXXX [1680]
 Disegnidi vari altari e cappelle.
Disegnidi vari altari e cappelle
Gordon, Patrick, active 1700. Geography anatomized, or, A compleat geographical grammar :
Gordon, Patrick, active 1700
Geography anatomized, or, A compleat geographical grammar
Mander, Carel van, 1548-1606. Het schilder-boeck
Mander, Carel van, 1548–1606
Het schilder-boeck
Winter, Georg Simon, b. ca. 1634. Georgii Simonis Winteri, Hippiater expertus, seu Medicina equorum absolutissima, tribus libris comprehensa :
Winter, Georg Simon, b. ca. 1634
Georgii Simonis Winteri, Hippiater expertus, seu Medicina equorum absolutissima, tribus libris comprehensa
Anno MDCLXXVIII [1678]
Blome, Richard, 1635-1705, author. Britania, or, A geographical description of the kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the isles and territories thereto belonging :
Blome, Richard, 1635–1705
Britania, or, A geographical description of the kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the isles and territories thereto belonging
Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598, cartographer. Theatrum orbis terrarum /
Ortelius, Abraham, 1527–1598
Theatrum orbis terrarum
1606 [i.e. 1608?]
Thomas, Dalby, Sir, author.  An historical account of the rise and growth of the West- India collonies :
Thomas, Dalby, Sir
An historical account of the rise and growth of the West- India collonies
Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664, cartographer. Cantabrigiensis comitatus :
Jansson, Jan, 1588–1664
Cantabrigiensis comitatus
[not before 1645]
Berrington, John, -1743. An account of what workmen hath bin imployed about the building at Greate Bathampton since February the 4, 1694/5.
Berrington, John, -1743
An account of what workmen hath bin imployed about the building at Greate Bathampton since February the 4, 1694/5
Canepari, Pietro Maria. De atramentis cujuscunque generis.
Canepari, Pietro Maria
De atramentis cujuscunque generis
Loggan, David, 1635-1700?, author, engraver. Cantabrigia illustrata, sive, Omnium celeberrimae istius universitatis, collegiorum, aularum, bibliothecae academicae scholarum publicarum, sacelli coll. regalis :
Loggan, David, 1635–1700?
Cantabrigia illustrata, sive, Omnium celeberrimae istius universitatis, collegiorum, aularum, bibliothecae academicae scholarum publicarum, sacelli coll. regalis
Wotton, Henry, Sir, 1568-1639. Reliquiae Wottonianae, or, A collection of lives, letters, poems, with characters of sundry personages :
Wotton, Henry, Sir, 1568–1639
Reliquiae Wottonianae, or, A collection of lives, letters, poems, with characters of sundry personages
Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673. Novum ac magnum theatrum urbium Belgicae foederatae /
Blaeu, Joan, 1596–1673
Novum ac magnum theatrum urbium Belgicae foederatae
Lisebetten, Pieter van, 1630-1678. Diversarum avium species :
Lisebetten, Pieter van, 1630–1678
Diversarum avium species
[ca. 1650?]
Zeiller, Martin, 1589-1661. Topographia Sueviae, das ist, Beschreib. vnd aigentliche Abcontrafeitung der fürnembste[n] Stätt vnd Plätz in Ober vnd Nider Schwaben, Herzogthum Würtenberg, Marggraffschafft Baden vnd andern zu dem hochlöbl. schwabischen Craisse gehörigen Landtschafften vnd Orten.
Zeiller, Martin, 1589–1661
Topographia Sueviae, das ist, Beschreib. vnd aigentliche Abcontrafeitung der fürnembste[n] Stätt vnd Plätz in Ober vnd Nider Schwaben, Herzogthum Würtenberg, Marggraffschafft Baden vnd andern zu dem hochlöbl. schwabischen Craisse gehörigen Landtschafften vnd Orten
MDCXLIII [1643] [i.e. ca. 1655]
Sandrart, Jakob von, 1630-1708.  Lebenslauf und Kunst-werke des woledlen und gestrengen Herrn Joachims von Sandrart, auf Stockau, hochfürstl. Pfalz-Neuburgischen Rahts /
Sandrart, Jakob von, 1630–1708
Lebenslauf und Kunst-werke des woledlen und gestrengen Herrn Joachims von Sandrart, auf Stockau, hochfürstl. Pfalz-Neuburgischen Rahts
im Jahr Christi 1675
Guillim, John, 1565-1621. A display of heraldrie :
Guillim, John, 1565–1621
A display of heraldrie
 The principal nauigations voiages, traffiques and discoueries of the English nation, made by sea or ouer-land, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres :
The principal nauigations voiages, traffiques and discoueries of the English nation, made by sea or ouer-land, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres
1598 [-1600]
Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, author. Historia mundi, or, Mercator's atlas :
Mercator, Gerhard, 1512–1594
Historia mundi, or, Mercator's atlas
Lacombe, Jean de, sieur de Querc̦y, active 1676, author. A compendium of the East :
Lacombe, Jean de, sieur de Querc̦y, active 1676
A compendium of the East
Bonasone, Giulio, approximately 1498-approximately 1580. Amori sdegni et gielosie di Givnone /
Bonasone, Giulio, approximately 1498–approximately 1580
Amori sdegni et gielosie di Givnone
Gottfried, Johann Ludwig, 17th cent. Newe Welt vnd americanische Historien :
Gottfried, Johann Ludwig, 17th cent
Newe Welt vnd americanische Historien
Newcastle, William Cavendish, Duke of, 1592-1676. Methode et invention nouvelle de dresser les chevaux /
Newcastle, William Cavendish, Duke of, 1592–1676
Methode et invention nouvelle de dresser les chevaux
l'an M.DC.LVIII [1658]
Storff, Paul Auguste de. Plans of the fortifications at Newport and Cowes, Isle of Wight.
Storff, Paul Auguste de
Plans of the fortifications at Newport and Cowes, Isle of Wight
Collins, Greenvile, active 1669-1698, cartographer. Great Britain's coasting-pilot ... :
Collins, Greenvile, active 1669–1698
Great Britain's coasting-pilot ...
Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D. Pub. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseōn libri XV :
Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D
Pub. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseōn libri XV
Blome, Richard, 1635-1705. The present state of His Majesties isles and territories in America :
Blome, Richard, 1635–1705
The present state of His Majesties isles and territories in America
Cotton, Charles, 1630-1687. The compleat gamester: or, Instructions how to play at billiards, trucks, bowls, and chess :
Cotton, Charles, 1630–1687
The compleat gamester: or, Instructions how to play at billiards, trucks, bowls, and chess
Melzo, Lodovico, 1567-1617. Regole militari del caualier Melzo sopra il gouerno e seruitio della caualleria.
Melzo, Lodovico, 1567–1617
Regole militari del caualier Melzo sopra il gouerno e seruitio della caualleria
MDCXI [1611]
 The English military discipline :
The English military discipline
 [Geographical cards.
[Geographical cards
Malthus, Francis. Traité des fevx artificiels povr la gverre,
Malthus, Francis
Traité des fevx artificiels povr la gverre,
Hugo, Herman, 1588-1629. Pia desideria.
Hugo, Herman, 1588–1629
Pia desideria
Barbon, Nicholas, -1698. An apology for the builder, or, A discourse shewing the cause and effects of the increase of building.
Barbon, Nicholas, -1698
An apology for the builder, or, A discourse shewing the cause and effects of the increase of building
Taylor, John, 1580-1653. The carriers cosmographie, or, A briefe relation, of the innes ordinaries, hosteries, and other lodgings, in and neere London :
Taylor, John, 1580–1653
The carriers cosmographie, or, A briefe relation, of the innes ordinaries, hosteries, and other lodgings, in and neere London
Speed, John, 1552?-1629. [The theatre of the empire of Great Britaine]
Speed, John, 1552?-1629
[The theatre of the empire of Great Britaine]
Darling, John, 17th cent. The carpenter's rule made easie, or, The art of measuring superficies and solids :
Darling, John, 17th cent
The carpenter's rule made easie, or, The art of measuring superficies and solids
Speed, John, 1552?-1629, cartographer, compiler. The theatre of the empire of Great Britaine :
Speed, John, 1552?-1629
The theatre of the empire of Great Britaine
Abbot, George, 1562-1633. A briefe description of the whole worlde :
Abbot, George, 1562–1633
A briefe description of the whole worlde
Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626. Pvrchas his Pilgrimage. Or Relations of the world and the religions obserued in all ages and places discouered, from the Creation vnto this present. :
Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626
Pvrchas his Pilgrimage. Or Relations of the world and the religions obserued in all ages and places discouered, from the Creation vnto this present.
Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664. Comitatis Cantabrigiensis :
Jansson, Jan, 1588–1664
Comitatis Cantabrigiensis
[not before 1647]
Kreus, Peter von der. Neu erfundene Krieges-Bau-Kunst :
Kreus, Peter von der
Neu erfundene Krieges-Bau-Kunst
Salmon, William, 1644-1713. Polygraphice:
Salmon, William, 1644–1713
 Typus mundi in quo eius calamitates et pericula nec non diuini :
Typus mundi in quo eius calamitates et pericula nec non diuini
La Fage, Raymond, 1656-1684. Recueil des meilleurs desseins de Raimond La Fage gravé par cinq des plus habiles graveurs /
La Fage, Raymond, 1656–1684
Recueil des meilleurs desseins de Raimond La Fage gravé par cinq des plus habiles graveurs
Norwood, Richard, 1590?-1675. Trigonometrie, or, The doctrine of triangles :
Norwood, Richard, 1590?-1675
Trigonometrie, or, The doctrine of triangles
Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. Britannia, volume the first, or, An illustration of the kingdom of England and dominion of Wales :
Ogilby, John, 1600–1676
Britannia, volume the first, or, An illustration of the kingdom of England and dominion of Wales
MDCLXXV [1675]
Tower of London (London, England), creator. A List of His Majesty's regalia :
Tower of London (London, England)
A List of His Majesty's regalia
[approximately 169-?]
 The country-man's jewel: or, The jockey's master-piece :
The country-man's jewel: or, The jockey's master-piece
[ca. 1690?]